Meet Your Teachers

Paul Benedetto

Seasons greetings yogis, I would like to take a little time to tell you about my background in yoga. I was introduced to yoga when I was 18 in 2008 and had injured my hamstring during lacrosse practice at Adelphi my alma mater. A friend of mine from high school had an older brother who was doing yoga at the time off a DVD and told me to get it and do it everyday. As a stubborn youth I had no time to go to a doctor or do physical therapy but I was willing to do this hour yoga dvd because after my first time doing it I was knocked me out mentally, it helped my leg physically and I liked the teacher who taught the recorded video Rodney Yee. I would lay my mat down in my dorm room and lock the door and turn on the laptop which had disk drives back then and would watch and practice the video. I felt like the rest of my day was different in a positive way afterwards and so I continued to practice and days that I wouldn’t I did not feel as right. My hamstring issue persisted but I was able to play again and then the same injury occurred a second time during a lacrosse scrimmage and that’s when I made a life changing decision to quit lacrosse and pick up college life. I graduated college by the skin of my teeth in 2013 with a bachelors degree in sports management which was nice but I picked up a number of bad habits while at school like drug addiction, financial debt, toxic relationships, criminal tendencies and self doubt which certainly would have culminated in my death had I not been introduced to yoga years earlier in just my second freshman semester. I purchased and followed more DVDs of my teacher Rodney Yee, and also bought and read his books on yoga and life and learned of his teacher B.K.S. Iyengar and these things filled up my subconscious with positive information which would get stored deep into my being while some of the less beneficial external habits of being an ignorant youth at university only left superficial scars. Following college I worked selling life, accident and health insurance and during that endeavor I met my first real life yoga teacher Lisa Bondy and began training with her and eventually became a certified yoga teacher under her guidance in 2014 at 24 years old. I went through life journeys in my 20’s, schooling, working different jobs, rehabilitating layers of myself, teaching yoga, learning so much of people and life outside of school, it was a lot and only makes sense now because of the yoga principles, philosophy and practices I had been adopting along the way. Heading into my 30’s I was fed up with working and getting fired and being unhappy and unhealthy and unable to live more by my own means and this made me driven to find a way to provide for myself in a yogic fashion. In 2018 I worked out and studied harder then ever and began organizing my teachings in a way that I could present them to a community of practitioners who may be new to yoga or experienced with the practice and was in the process of making a formula of postures that would get us breathing and thinking positively and feeling great. In 2020 amidst much adversity I opened Buddhafull Yoga and over the past 4 years we have built a diverse community of civilians turned yogis who see the value in moving the body, using the breath and most importantly learning how to rest the mind so true recovery can take place in the soul. I have devised 5 main styles of yoga classes in the form of Restorative Yoga, Foundational Postures, Vinyasa Flows, Bootcamp Workouts, and Primary Techniques and somewhere in this lineup of classes is one for any given yogi to enjoy. I am excited every day to wake up and teach anywhere from 4-8 classes whole heartedly and with the intention to improve the lives of those who I am instructing. I would love to get the opportunity to be able to guide you in a yoga class and learn about your practice and how I could be of assistance in your life. Please check out the schedule and contact me for more pre class guidance and information on all our offerings. Check out my other amazing teachers who are heavily involved in the community here and are looking to help you with your practice at Buddhafull Yoga. Om Shanti Namaste.

Seanithanial Lamberson

Namaste. My name is Sean. Knighted under house Buddhafull as Nathaniel, you may hear people call me Seanathaniel.
Around the age of 13, a movie scene figuratively scared me to death's door. I began intimately contemplating the concept and every night I would ponder what it means to die. I began crying myself to sleep; I felt like a passenger watching the world go by with my mind trying to make sense of this incomprehensible topic. My thoughts became caught in a spiral when I would lie down. My mom is going to die, my dad, my sisters, my dog are all going to die.
I became catatonic. Mummifying my body with my own two hands, I would tuck myself tightly in from heels to head with a precise technique to leave only a hole for which to breathe. Soon an idea crumbled any sanity I had left. The thought that I, too, was going to die.

Every bedtime became routine. I would slink under the covers, swaddle myself tightly, and go numb trying to comprehend what happens 'after.' I’d fall into a void, a space that felt like nothing at all yet infinite with only thoughts of nonexistence remaining. With my body secured and tears absorbed by the blanket, there was one last effort to safeguard “me” from this waking nightmare. A lullaby whispered, “Everything is going to be okay."
After a while, I stopped crying going to sleep and the blanket became unbinding. The mantra, anchored in my subconscious, allowed me to live with a smile on my face and a pep in my step. I stopped taking life seriously and proceeded with the status quo. As I grew, I became bitter and resentful of the world; of how things were set up and how people conducted themselves. Was this really how we are supposed to be or are capable of living?
Knowing I wanted a change, I grabbed the idea of free will by the reins and started taking things seriously. A huge shift came when I bailed on the idea of becoming a vet. I became vegan, ditched the shoes and began experimenting with different conscious altering chemicals. With all this, something still felt missing, a sense of fulfillment. It wasn’t until I was introduced to the practice of yoga that I  realized, life is a play and you must balance the movement of Yin and Yang to find peace. I could see that I was running from fear and chasing love, trying to just be okay. Yoga helped instill mindfulness, learning that I had to face my darkness and allow it to springboard me into my light. I realized I could face death because I am alive; I get to live and have an experience here!

2020 was the year I stumbled upon Buddhafull. I assisted a cacao ceremony with my friend and there I met Yoga Paul. He quickly invited me back to take a class and somewhere within that first hour of doing yoga, I was hooked. I started coming to the studio 10 times a week and fell into a routine of discipline and perseverance. My physical body became toned and I began understanding the importance of mediation, breadthwork and philosophy in creating a balanced life. A year after practicing, the path to teaching felt divinely guided and Paul welcomed me with open arms to instruct at the studio. Now, after every class, I am left with the biggest smile in my heart.

Yoga provides tools and practices to hone my discipline, raise my confidence, and make tremendous strides in living a fulfilled life. I am able to accept and appreciate every aspect of myself and feel free sharing it. Teaching has made me realize that we are all just children of the divine, consistently learning and growing in this world. How to live is not a one size fits all, rather a unique pattern that is individualistically created. Yoga is one method to live aligned with divinity, which can be described as the transformation when overcoming one's limits. I want to help get you prepared to tap into and harness your potential to live freely, breathe peacefully, and dream loudly.

With that, my goal is to hold space where everyone feels safe to show up and to help tailor practices that work for you to feel divine. In that, creating a brighter future one day at a time and rippling a shift in the matrix.
Come join me Friday evenings to be more than just a passenger.

Oel Ngati Kameie

Michelle Squires

My name is Michelle Squires, and I am thrilled to be teaching at Buddhafull Yoga. Two years ago, walking into the studio as a newcomer to yoga, I never imagined I would be in this position today. I am deeply thankful to Yoga Paul for transforming my life, and I am eager to be a part of your journey.

Here is a little about how I got started on my journey with yoga.

Over the past two decades, my life revolved around being a devoted wife, full-time teacher, and a dedicated mother to my three lively children. Every day was a whirlwind of work responsibilities followed by ferrying my kids to a myriad of activities, from practices to friends' houses, math tutors & doctor's appointments. By the time I stumbled home at the end of the day, I felt drained, disheartened, and devoid of inner peace.

Then, one day, my daughter, inspired by a mindfulness class, introduced me to the idea of weekend backyard yoga sessions. Eager to spend quality time with her, I jumped at the opportunity, even though I had zero knowledge about yoga. From the very first session, I felt a deep connection to the practice and found myself eagerly showing up every Saturday morning, embracing each new posture with enthusiasm and joy.

As our yoga journey unfolded, my daughter stumbled upon Buddhafull Yoga on Instagram and couldn't contain her excitement about the transformative experience and the incredible Yoga Paul. Intrigued by her enthusiasm, I took a leap of faith into my first yoga studio and was met with a warm welcome that changed my life. The classes, the supportive community, and the guidance of Yoga Paul ignited a passion within me that I never knew existed.

With each class, I not only strengthened my body but also honed my ability to calm my mind and be fully present. Through mindful breathing and practice, I discovered a newfound sense of balance and inner peace, learning that self-care is not a luxury but a necessity. This realization sparked a desire within me to share this transformative gift with others, especially fellow mothers who, like me, juggled caring for others while neglecting themselves.

When the opportunity arose for a Yoga teacher training with Paul and Alex Spergel this November, I knew it was a calling I couldn't ignore. Completing my 200-hour YTT was just the beginning of a new chapter. I eagerly started sharing my new found knowledge with my colleagues, turning Thursdays into a day of joy and connection, as I guided them through yoga practices infused with love and serenity.

My mission became crystal clear: to help others find their inner light and reclaim the balance they seek. Each class, each breath, and each moment shared with my students reaffirms my belief in the power of self-care and the transformative impact of yoga.

Teaching at Buddhafull Yoga is a dream come true, returning to where my journey began. I will lead a Gentle Flow class every Sunday at 4:30, guiding you through postures while connecting to your breath and cultivating smiles throughout. I cherish this opportunity to help you find inner peace, joy, and contentment.

Richie Mollura

My name is Richie Mollura & I am beyond excited to start teaching at Buddhafull Yoga. I am so thankful for Paul to give me this opportunity. When I first met Paul, I was blown away by his wisdom & relationship with Yoga. I look up to him as one of my main teachers during my own personal Yoga path. Speaking of my Yoga journey, Here is my story!

In the Summer of 2019 I wanted to go to Los Angeles, California for an internship to get credits towards my college degree. My Uncle lives in LA so I asked him to connect me with someone I can intern with. I was studying Video Media Production so my Uncle connected me with his friend who owns a Video Production Company called "i2i Productions". Now little did I know that this trip was going to change my life forever and introduce me to Yoga. My internship coordinator (Adam) happened to be a Yogi. He has a Guru from India and practices Yoga daily. When I was with him he asked me if I would like to join him for sunrise yoga at the beach in Santa Monica. I am someone with an open mind so I was immediately interested to join. He guided me through a 1 on 1 session and opened me up to a whole new world I didn't know existed within myself. This was the moment where my perspective of life shifted and made me realize I am called to Yoga. At the same time of my life, I found out that my Father wrote a book titled "Autobiography of a New York City Salesman: My Parallel Life Through Conscious Evolution & Kundalini Energy". The timing of my Dad telling me he has been on a spiritual path his whole life and has a book for me to read to get started on mine mixed with this Yoga experience in LA is what jump started me into my Spiritual Development. 

After I returned home from LA I was entering my Senior year of college. My entire lifestyle changed when I was back at school. My friends noticed a shift in me because I would be alone in my room meditating on friday and saturday nights instead of going out to the bars. They would think I was weird and I did not care because I was tapping into a new layer of myself that was so exciting to me. I eventually found my first Yoga Teacher that I developed a connection with when I was back home on Long Island. Her name is Alexandra Spergel. I went to her class at Modern Wellness in Lynbrook and heard her say she was offering private 1 on 1 sessions that sparked my interest to deepen my practice. I began training with her but what I was missing was a Yoga Community. That is when she recommended I go to a Yoga Studio named Buddhafull Yoga in Massapequa that is run by a guy named Yoga Paul that she felt was the perfect fit for me, and she was 100% correct. I then went to my first Buddhafull Yoga class in February of 2022. Paul welcomed me with open arms and we have developed an amazing friendship.

What made me want to become a Yoga Teacher was after my 1st ever Yoga Retreat hosted by Alex in Colorado. That was my first time I ever was exposed to Yogic Philosophy. I was so interested in deepening my own practice so I started researching Yoga Teacher Trainings in a Retreat Format. I found Marrianne Wells Yoga School who was referred to me by Diana who also teaches here at Buddhafull Yoga. I went to Costa Rica in August 2023 to get my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and had a life changing experience that I could write a whole book on! When I got home I started teaching my friends classes at my home. It felt like a calling for me to help guide others into the depths of themselves. Using the tools of our own breath to be able to connect to the present moment that is with us, always. I felt this urge the deeper I went into my spiritual practice to be able to share my experiences with loved ones. All I ever wanted was to help people find that shining light that is in every single one of us that is waiting to be awakened. Being mindful. Bringing Yoga Practices into your everyday life beyond the yoga mat. Realizing this is a lifestyle, more than an hour of physical practice on the mat. That realization made me dedicate my time into learning all there is to the history of Yoga. What also fascinated me was when I realized that all Yoga is, is the study of ME.. The Self. The human existence and how to find that mind, body & soul connection.

Now I feel like it is my calling to share all I have learned through these last 5 years with all ways of life. My style of teaching will be focused mostly on the meditative element. Using the tools of the breath to get in sync with our bodies. Come join me Fridays at 9:30 AM for my Restorative Yoga Class here at Buddhafull Yoga!


Diana Healy

*bio coming soon

Marisa Vanasco

Greetings, Earthlings! They call me Mars and I'm here to share with you a bit about Who I Am and How I Got Here. 

I grew up the youngest child and only daughter of a beautiful big family. Being the only female aside from my mother, I felt left out a lot. At some point in my childhood, I became aware of (the illusion of) separateness. I felt different. I was (am) a beautiful, silly, shy, imaginative little girl. I spent my summer afternoons making potions with sticks and berries. Saving dying birds in shoeboxes and then burying them in the backyard. Playing with bugs. I grew up knowing…. that inner Knowing…. I felt different but deep down I held onto Who I Am and What I Love. 

As I grew older, I quickly was taught that my sensitivity was a weakness. I felt too much! I needed too much! I began to push these feelings down and walk through my teen years and young adulthood, loving myself, but feeling like I was wrong or off somehow. 

Fast forward to college in 2015. A stranger who became my roommate, Emily, was a pivotal character for me. I first met her in the dorm bathroom. She was washing out her nutri bullet. I said hey girl cool nutri bullet you making smoothies in that thang? She said hell yeah I'm vegan. I said omg I'm vegetarian. I was newly learning about the horrors of BigAg and animal agriculture. A young protesting hippie. I began to see a lot of illusions of society and boxes that I wanted to explore out of. Emily opened my world to eastern arts and other free spirited things. 

Then, I practiced yoga (asana) on and off for several years. I only knew asana. I didn't know it was called asana at the time. I only did some basic postures. I was scratching the surface of yoga. This was a necessary step.

In 2020, I very slowly walked away from an abusive relationship. I had traveled for several months in a van touring the continental US and Mexico with my partner at the time. Albeit, it was an incredible time of my life filled with adventure and freedom and sights of nature I will always remember. It was also filled with tumultuous emotional turmoil and a big big mirror reflecting my abandonment and familial wounds, fear around communication, and narratives around being a woman and what I was taught around who I was Supposed To Be.

I returned to Long Island, feeling empty and ready to do some inner pondering. I crossed paths with Allison Graham, who became my guide and teacher. We met bartending at the same restaurant. I shared that I was seeking therapy to analyze the experience I just had. She was on her way back to Guatemala, where she had rooted down and expressed to me that she would love to hear me and share wise practices that have helped her. A woman seeing me in her reflection and offering knowledge. She taught me the importance of routine, of being with myself, of feeling the big feelings, of silence, of movement, of stories and narratives, of the mind, of embracing all that I Am. So, the journey of peeling back the layers began. That same time I was working at an organic juice bar. One day, this crazy haired man with no shoes on comes strolling in. I thought, “Who the hell is this?”. My coworkers knew him and ran over to receive one of his loving embraces. This man is Yoga Paul!!! 

As you may guess, I began attending classes at the studio. I feel that it wasn’t until Paul encouraged me to attend the Intermediate Primary Series, that my body and mind became hooked on a yoga practice. I must have attended this 6pm class multiple times a week, for several months. I felt the quality of my thoughts begin to shift in a positive direction. My body gained muscle and confidence for the first time in my life. I saw how with consistent effort and Love, there is absolutely no way it cannot happen. ANYTHING is possible. Practicing advanced postures showed me that, as well. I felt that little girl who was shy and sensitive and like she didn't belong, I thought, “Hey, I am athletic, I'm strong, powerful, tough and courageous.” All that you are is welcome in yoga because you become mindful enough to ride the waves. We then take these practices off the mat, into our daily lives. A huge fruit that came from this effort is that I also found community. I found beings who would have made potions with me and saved dying birds. I found people and knew that I would always have another to turn to.

After two years of practicing regularly, I decided to study intensively and received my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher training under Alex Spergel and Paul at Buddhafull Yoga. Today, I continue to study yoga philosophy, women’s health, herbalism, and ways to return to Love and Centeredness among this wild, cruel, and beautiful world. My intention as a teacher and guide is to honor and rely on the teachings of yoga. They do not miss. I offer yoga to create a space where you can peel back the noise and find presence, even for a moment. A space to unravel. A space where the true Self can be.

Ram Dass says, “You can do it like it's a great weight upon you or you can do it like it's all part of the dance.” 

We are taught to go through this world, this life, so very quickly. Yoga offers tools to lighten the load. To take inventory. To say hello to your heart. To your mind. To the sadness or irritation or confusion or stickiness. To the joy and excitement and nervousness and curiosity. 

These are our holy vessels and this is a Divine Science. Come meet yourself.

We are the Seekers, the Dreamers, the Observers. 

 Yoga means union. Of mind, body and soul. Of the individual self and the Divine.  

 Can’t wait to meet you <3