Buddhafull Price Options

First Class Free

When you come into Buddhafull for your first session it is customary here that you enjoy your stay without having to pay. The guest is god according to the ancient ways and so we welcome all first timers to a complimentary class, thank you.

Single Class $20

Please do come in for a class and pay one at a time until you feel you are ready for more classes.

4 Class Pack $55

If you plan on coming in for class whenever you can then it is good to get the 4 class pack which you can redeem at any time and they do not expire.

1 Month Unlimited $99.99

If you plan to come in on a daily basis then this deal will offer the best value because you can come to however many classes you would like, and if you want to be on recurring payment you can.

1 Year Unlimited $999.99

If you know you will be coming in week in and week out all year long you can receive a great discount by signing on for a one time payment.

Thank You for Trusting Buddhafull