About Buddhafull Yoga
What do we do?
The game plan is to take these arms and these legs and this body and move it around in all different directions. The style of movement we will be practicing is called asana which means comfortable position. Asana is 1 of the eight limbs in a system called Yoga.
Yoga is an ancient practice originating from India and its directions have been recorded in many old books which are held sacred. It's agreed upon that a text called The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is the most completely explained text on the subject.
Patanjali was a man and scholar from a long time ago, even before Jesus was born, and he had the seemingly impossible ability to compile all the sacred knowledge on yoga into this book. The yoga sutras breaks down the science of yoga step by step so it could be understood by any person who desired the knowledge (a special teacher is necessary as well).
In class we will consider many of the limbs which put together this full system of health and being, but our main concern will be with the third limb called Asana.
The wise people of the past came up with this style of movement which manipulated all of the muscles, internal organs and spine by making different postures using the entire body. These postures are designed to increase the flow of energy through the body to promote health on a more noticeable level.
The spine hold our life force energy in it and needs to be kept in great condition in order to keep our bodies functioning at the high levels which life demands. Through the practice of moving the body in combination with special breath awareness we slowly develop an internal mindfulness which begins to break through the fog which clouds our higher sense of thinking.The postures we practice in class will increase the functioning of all of the systems of the body and over time make us physically strong and full of energy. A side effect of feeling well physically is feeling very well mentally and so we will take the first step in moving our body and that will do the trick for the mind also.
The art of Yoga is considered extremely sacred to those who practice it from its source and roots. The system is also extremely effective and millions of people all over the world experience the same bliss from the postures, breathing & philosophy.
At Buddhafull one of my goals is to bring into my students awareness some of the teachings from this wonderful book and on this amazing topic of yoga and also provide a Asana class which will tone up the body and increase flexibility and range of motion which is helpful in all areas of life.
I fully believe yoga is a lifestyle and much more then a class but I am very grateful to be able to offer a class which can potentially awaken somebody to a life style which can serve their soul and spirit and true self.
Thank you & Namaste